Imagine a society where all children of people in prison are supported to create positive futures for themselves. Where our tamariki and rangatahi are encouraged to live to their potential and strive for a better future for themselves and their whānau.
Currently there is no legislation in place that safeguards tamariki in our justice system, that protects children and families when a loved one goes to prison.
That lack of support causes perpetual harm intergenerationally. This has happened because our current system is designed towards one outcome, prison; rather than rehabilitation of the entire whānau unit.
We need the government to put care plans in place for children when a parent goes to prison, so that they are supported to create positive futures for themselves. We would love to see families and young people co-design these care plans that get put in place for long-term outcomes. To create a safer justice system for all New Zealanders.
Watch Pillars interview with Indira Stewart on the importance of whānau connection and more we need to do to support children with parents in prison.
Read our Open Letter to Government for more information.