Ōtautahi has delivered its first ever parenting programme in line with the Parenting Place called ‘Building Awesome Whānau’.
Building Awesome Whānau draws on the wisdom of mātauranga Māori and explores parenting through the metaphor of building the whare. The programme was developed to draw on the wisdom and strength of parents participating, while giving them parenting techniques in a non-judgmental way.
The first group consisted of mothers, one father and one grandmother in our Pillars community.
The programme has been flooded with positive feedback, with all participants noting they felt supported and validated.
“Each week I learn something new, it’s an awesome group and I’m able to open up more. A great support”
“It’s nice to make new friends and feel comfortable to open up about the past things. We’re all here for the same thing.”
“This space is safe, non-judgemental, and supportive”
A massive congratulations to Pillars social worker Elle McEwan for her mahi over the past six weeks and the rest of the team in Ōtautahi for their support.
We look forward to providing more programmes to support the parents in our community.