One 2023 highlight was our Youth Advisory Panel, Ngā Rangatira Mō Apōpō, hosting a Guest of Honour Event, hoping to create change for other young people with a parent in prison.
Guests on the day included those working in criminal justice reform, the Office of the Inspectorate, local Police, Psychologists working in Youth Justice and advocates who travelled to Auckland for the event.
The overarching theme of this hui was for rangatahi to share their ideas and experiences, in the hopes that their voices may contribute to wider justice reform. These incredible rangatahi are passionate about improving the system for other young people impacted by parental incarceration.
“Other kids have grown up with a role model of who they should be. We have grown up with a shadow cast over who we really are”
“Too often we minimise ourselves for the comfort of others”
Throughout 2023 Pillars Youth Advisory Panel has contributed to the United Nations Bill of Rights, Youth Mental Health Research by the University of Auckland. They gave feedback to the Office of the Inspectorate and the Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility Campaign as well as led korero as part of a Youth Crime Conference.
See Pillars Youth Advisory Panel video discussing youth crime and how professionals should approach young people who are offending to see real change and reduce recidivism:
He aha te kai ō te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero, he kōrero. What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.
We are so excited to continue advocating for children of prisoners in 2024 with Ngā Rangatira Mō Apōpō leading the way for transformative change.